


From hating writing to enjoying sharing: My journey of writing blogs

In addition, I feel that writing a blog is more important than publishing.

When you have a basket of carefully crafted content, it should be noticed on any platform. Since this person can create high-quality content, they must be an expert in the field and can definitely gain social media exposure.

So don't worry about nobody reading it, we should all worry about whether we are willing to write.

Today's topic starts from a tweet by Chuange.

As of today, I have also written 298 articles. From when I started university in 2018 until now. Here on the timeline, you can see every article I have written, including the dark history.

I used to hate writing very much. I remember back in junior high school, the Chinese teacher required us to write weekly journals and essays every two weeks. For someone like me who had a dull and uneventful life with no experiences or stories, it was very difficult to write these, I couldn't even start, I could only rely on fabrications, and I am not good at lying. These were the most painful times for me.

I never thought writing was a joyful thing until one day I came across blogs, and that changed my perspective. I didn't like what others forced you to write, it was never from the heart. Blogging comes from the heart, no one forces you, you write what you want, I can write a technical article, regardless of its quality, at least it's something I have experienced. Of course, if I can receive praise from readers, every author would be grateful.

Perhaps for a period of time, I will produce more articles, or there will be long periods where I have no output, I don't have to feel anxious about it. This is not a task, it's just a spirit of sharing.

Initially, to record life, I specifically developed an independent CMS for this purpose, until today's "Notes". Although many of the contents are not about recording life (laughs), but expressing inner anxieties, worries, and despair, it is also a way for me to express emotions. However, being able to receive support and encouragement from a stranger also warms my heart.

Actually, I am not good at keeping records. Many times, it's only after a period of time has passed that I think back and realize, oh, something seems to have happened during that time, I should write something, and then I go over it in my mind and start writing it down bit by bit. This article is also like that, no planning, just taking a walk on the roadside, oh, I need to write these things, and when I come back, I start writing.

I don't want to be like many people who write weekly journals, recording what they did every day, what interesting things happened, and then organizing and formatting in the hours before the journal is published. I always finish writing an hour before publishing, then come up with a title, and publish.

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