


Using Native Components in Expo

Currently, the popular React Native framework is Expo, which provides the Expo Modules API for us to quickly develop a Native component or module.

This article will briefly introduce how to initialize and write a simple Native component in Expo ~52 within the current project.


Before starting, make sure you have created an Expo project.

Then, create an Expo Module using the following command.

npx create-expo-module@latest --local

Follow the prompts to create a Module. It is located under modules/<name> and contains the following files.

├── android
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           ├── AndroidManifest.xml
│           └── java
│               └── expo
│                   └── modules
│                       └── testmodule
│                           ├── TestModule.kt
│                           └── TestModuleView.kt
├── expo-module.config.json
├── index.ts
├── ios
│   ├── TestModule.podspec
│   ├── TestModule.swift
│   └── TestModuleView.swift
└── src
    ├── TestModule.ts
    ├── TestModule.types.ts
    ├── TestModule.web.ts
    ├── TestModuleView.tsx
    └── TestModuleView.web.tsx

10 directories, 14 files

Among them, the android and ios directories are the entry points for writing native code.

Integrating into an Existing Project#

Now we need to apply this module to the current app.

Edit package.json to add this field:

 "expo": {
    "autolinking": {
      "nativeModulesDir": "./modules"

Then, run npm run expo prebuild --clean to refresh the iOS and Android projects.

After the native dependencies are installed, we open the xcworkspace file using Xcode.


Writing a Simple Module#

An official example module already exists in the initial template. We can also try writing a simple component ourselves. Below is an example written for the iOS platform using Swift UI.

Find our module location as shown in the image.


Create a new internal module and organize the files as follows:

├── ListView.swift
└── ListViewModule.swift


In ListView.swift, write the following code for a simple SwiftUI List:

import SwiftUI

struct ListView: View {
    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(1...10, id: \.self) { index in

#Preview {

Then define the Expo Module by editing ListViewModule.swift

import ExpoModulesCore
import SwiftUI

class ListViewProps: ExpoSwiftUI.ViewProps {

fileprivate struct ListViewExpoView: ExpoSwiftUI.View {
    @EnvironmentObject var props: ListViewProps
    var body: some View {

public class ListViewModule: Module {
    public func definition() -> ModuleDefinition {
        Name("ListView") // Identifier used for calling requireNativeView later
        View(ListViewExpoView.self) // Use ListViewExpoView

At this point, the native side is complete. Next, modify expo-module.config.json

Add the newly added ListViewModule.

  "platforms": [
  "apple": {
    "modules": [
      "ListViewModule" // Added
  "android": {
    "modules": [

Since we haven't implemented Android, we won't write it here. Then execute npm expo prebuild.

Using Native Components in React Native#

After the above steps, we can use it in React Native like this.

import { requireNativeView } from 'expo'
import type { ViewProps } from 'react-native'

interface ListViewProps extends ViewProps {}
const ListView = requireNativeView<ListViewProps>('ListView') // Use the Name defined above
export default function HomeScreen() {
  return <ListView style={{ flex: 1 }} />

Then start the project in Xcode while also starting the metro dev server.

Through Xcode View Hierarchy, we can see that the NativeView has rendered correctly.


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