This article is part of the technical details for implementing the Separate main application and external pages and SEO support PR for Follow. Due to the numerous technical details involved, this will be one of a series of articles.
In the previous article, Deploying an OpenGraph Image Service on Vercel, we introduced how to deploy a Node.js server using Vercel.
In this article, we will use this server to do more things. One of the tasks is to optimize the SEO of the SPA application by adding the OG Image information we generate into the Meta tags through meta tags.
We also need to mount these two projects to the same domain, utilizing Vercel's Rewrite feature.
Using Node.js Server to Proxy HTML#
Introduction to OpenGraph#
Generally, social media platforms scrape the HTML source of a site and obtain the content of the meta tags to display different content. Often, these scraping engines do not have the capability to render JS, so we need to use a Node.js server to proxy the HTML of the SPA and dynamically insert the required meta information into the HTML based on the URL path.
OpenGraph information is one of the most common types of data scraped by social media. A typical OpenGraph meta tag is shown below:
<meta property="og:title" content="Everyday Moments | 静かな森" /><meta
content="Another half month has passed. What has happened these days worth recording? A sudden burst of interest. At the end of last month, the domestic Hearthstone server reopened. I recall having played Hearthstone for a while a long time ago, bringing the whole dormitory into the pit during college, but later I got addicted to coding and abandoned it. This time, the reopening has quite a few benefits, giving away all the cards from last year, allowing me to log back in and receive a wave of benefits. After playing for a few days, I gradually got familiar with the new"
/><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta
/><meta name="twitter:title" content="Everyday Moments" /><meta
content="Another half month has passed. What has happened these days worth recording? A sudden burst of interest. At the end of last month, the domestic Hearthstone server reopened. I recall having played Hearthstone for a while a long time ago, bringing the whole dormitory into the pit during college, but later I got addicted to coding and abandoned it. This time, the reopening has quite a few benefits, giving away all the cards from last year, allowing me to log back in and receive a wave of benefits. After playing for a few days, I gradually got familiar with the new"
The effect on X is as follows:
Using Monorepo to Separate SPA Applications#
In an SPA application, not all routes need SEO optimization; often, only a few pages that need to be shared require it. For example, in the Follow application, only the routes under /share
need SEO optimization.
For example: the dynamically inserted meta tags for
Now let's work on separating the projects. Before we start, we need to understand how the SPA application works. A typical directory structure of an SPA application compiled by Vite is as follows:
├── assets
│ ├── index.12345678.css
│ ├── index.12345678.js
│ └──
├── index.html
Here, index.html
is the entry file for our SPA application. When the browser accesses the /
route, it loads this file and dynamically renders the page based on the JS files.
We only need to use Node.js to proxy this file and dynamically insert the meta tags based on the URL path.
To separate the SPA project, we need to create another SPA application and place the routes that need SEO optimization into this project. In this process, we may need to copy a large number of shared components, which may also need to be refactored. Using Monorepo can effectively solve this problem.
For example, in the original project, apps/renderer
is a complete SPA application. Now we create a new app named server
, located at apps/server
, which is a proxy server. Create a directory for storing frontend code, such as apps/server/client
We replicate a directory structure identical to apps/renderer
and place the required routes into this project. Extract common modules, such as components and utility functions, from apps/renderer
into the packages
directory. This process can be incremental. During the refactoring, to avoid large conflicts caused by a massive commit and prolonged downtime, we can first extract common modules from apps/renderer
into packages
by copying the code without changing the original code's reference relationships, and use packages
references in the new application. For example, we create a packages/components
directory and extract some components from apps/renderer/src/components
Create a package.json
file for the package, such as:
"name": "@follow/components",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"sideEffects": false,
"exports": {
"./tailwind": "./assets/index.css",
"./modules/*": "./src/modules/*",
"./common/*": "./src/common/*",
"./icons/*": "./src/icons/*",
"./ui/*": "./src/ui/*",
"./providers/*": "./src/providers/*",
"./hooks/*": "./src/hooks/*",
"./atoms/*": "./src/atoms/*",
"./dayjs": "./src/utils/dayjs.ts",
"./utils/*": "./src/utils/*"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^18.0.0",
"react-dom": "^18.0.0"
"dependencies": {}
This package does not need to be compiled, so we can directly export the source code. Here, we use the exports
field to specify the exported files, using wildcards to export multiple directories. Common styles can also export a common CSS file. For example, we use TailwindCSS.
@import './colors.css'; /* Custom colors */
@import './tailwind.css'; /* TailwindCSS */
@import './font.css'; /* Custom fonts */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities; /* Other */
In apps/server
, reference this package:
pnpm i @follow/components@workspace:*
At this point, in apps/server/client
, we can directly reference this package to use the encapsulated components:
For example:
import { Button } from '@follow/components/ui/button/index.js'
By the way, if you are using TailwindCSS, you may also need to change the content
export default resolveConfig({
content: [
'./node_modules/@follow/components/**/*.{ts,tsx}', // Add this line
The process of extracting components and encapsulating common modules is very lengthy and painful. In the refactoring of Follow, I extracted a total of 8 packages and moved and modified nearly ten thousand lines of code.
Since we previously copied the code from apps/renderer
, after the refactoring is complete, we also need to modify all code references in renderer
at once, such as changing ~/components
to @follow/components
, and then deleting all components and code that have been migrated from the renderer.
Node.js Server Proxying HTML#
This part is divided into two sections: one is handling the binding of the Vite Dev Server and the Node.js server in the development environment, allowing us to modify the HTML generated by the Vite Dev Server and inject meta tags. The second is handling the compiled index.html
file in the production environment.
First, let's talk about the development environment. Here, we use Fastify as an example of a Node.js server.
We can achieve binding with the Vite Dev Server in the following way.
let globalVite: ViteDevServer
export const registerDevViteServer = async (app: FastifyInstance) => {
const vite = await createViteServer({
server: { middlewareMode: true },
appType: 'custom',
configFile: resolve(root, 'vite.config.mts'), // Path to vite config
envDir: root,
globalVite = vite
// @ts-ignore
return vite
During the App initialization phase:
const app = Fastify({})
await app.register(middie, {
hook: 'onRequest',
if (isDev) {
const devVite = require('./src/lib/dev-vite')
await devVite.registerDevViteServer(app)
Create a route for handling HTML:
import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom'
app.get('*', async (req, reply) => {
const url = req.originalUrl
const root = resolve(__dirname, '../..')
const vite = require('../lib/dev-vite').getViteServer()
try {
let template = readFileSync(
path.resolve(root, vite.config.root, 'index.html'), // Vite dev uses index.html path
template = await vite.transformIndexHtml(url, template) // Use vite to transform
const { document } = parseHTML(template)
} catch (e) {
Thus, we have achieved HTML proxying.
Dynamically Inserting Meta Tags#
Based on the above, we make slight modifications to the *
app.get('*', async (req, reply) => {
const url = req.originalUrl
const root = resolve(__dirname, '../..')
const vite = require('../lib/dev-vite').getViteServer()
try {
let template = readFileSync(
path.resolve(root, vite.config.root, 'index.html'),
template = await vite.transformIndexHtml(url, template)
const { document } = parseHTML(template)
await injectMetaToTemplate(document, req, reply) // Inject meta tags into HTML here
} catch (e) {
Define the type of Meta
interface MetaTagdata {
type: 'meta'
property: string
content: string
interface MetaOpenGraph {
type: 'openGraph'
title: string
description?: string
image?: string | null
interface MetaTitle {
type: 'title'
title: string
export type MetaTag = MetaTagdata | MetaOpenGraph | MetaTitle
Implement the injectMetaToTemplate
async function injectMetaToTemplate(
document: Document,
req: FastifyRequest,
res: FastifyReply,
) {
const injectMetadata = await injectMetaHandler(req, res).catch((err) => {
// Handle different meta tag injections based on URL path in injectMetadata
if (isDev) {
throw err
return []
if (!injectMetadata) {
return document
for (const meta of injectMetadata) {
switch (meta.type) {
case 'openGraph': {
const $metaArray = buildSeoMetaTags(document, { openGraph: meta })
for (const $meta of $metaArray) {
case 'meta': {
const $meta = document.createElement('meta')
$meta.setAttribute('content', xss(meta.content))
case 'title': {
if (meta.title) {
const $title = document.querySelector('title')
if ($title) {
$title.textContent = `${xss(meta.title)} | Follow`
} else {
const $head = document.querySelector('head')
if ($head) {
const $title = document.createElement('title')
$title.textContent = `${xss(meta.title)} | Follow`
return document
import xss from 'xss'
export function buildSeoMetaTags(
document: Document,
configs: {
openGraph: {
title: string
description?: string
image?: string | null
) {
const openGraph = {
title: xss(configs.openGraph.title),
description: xss(configs.openGraph.description ?? ''),
image: xss(configs.openGraph.image ?? ''),
const createMeta = (property: string, content: string) => {
const $meta = document.createElement('meta')
$meta.setAttribute('property', property)
$meta.setAttribute('content', content)
return $meta
return [
createMeta('og:title', openGraph.title),
createMeta('og:description', openGraph.description),
createMeta('og:image', openGraph.image),
createMeta('twitter:card', 'summary_large_image'),
createMeta('twitter:title', openGraph.title),
createMeta('twitter:description', openGraph.description),
createMeta('twitter:image', openGraph.image),
Implement the injectMetaHandler
import { match } from 'path-to-regexp'
export async function injectMetaHandler(
req: FastifyRequest,
res: FastifyReply,
): Promise<MetaTag[]> {
const apiClient = createApiClient()
const upstreamOrigin = req.requestContext.get('upstreamOrigin')
const url = req.originalUrl
for (const [pattern, handler] of Object.entries(importer)) {
const matchFn = match(pattern, { decode: decodeURIComponent })
const result = matchFn(url)
if (result) {
const parsedUrl = new URL(url, upstreamOrigin)
return await handler({
// Context can be passed here as needed
params: result.params as Record<string, string>,
url: parsedUrl,
origin: upstreamOrigin || '',
setStatus(status) {
setStatusText(statusText) {
res.raw.statusMessage = statusText
throwError(status, message) {
throw new MetaError(status, message)
return []
In injectMetaHandler
, we match paths like /share/feeds/:id
using path-to-regexp
, then find the corresponding handler from the importer map and return a MetaTag
The importer map should be an automatically generated map based on the SPA application's routes, for example:
import i1 from '../client/pages/(main)/share/feeds/[id]/metadata'
import i2 from '../client/pages/(main)/share/lists/[id]/metadata'
import i0 from '../client/pages/(main)/share/users/[id]/metadata'
export default {
'/share/users/:id': i0,
'/share/feeds/:id': i1,
'/share/lists/:id': i2,
In Follow, the SPA route definitions are generated based on the filesystem tree, so we can write a helper watcher based on this feature.
import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import * as path from 'node:path'
import { dirname } from 'node:path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
import { glob } from 'glob'
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
async function generateMetaMap() {
const files = await glob('./client/pages/(main)/**/metadata.ts', {
cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'),
const imports: string[] = []
const routes: Record<string, string> = {}
files.forEach((file, index) => {
const routePath = file
.replace('client/pages/(main)', '')
.replace('/metadata.ts', '')
.replaceAll(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, ':$1')
const importName = `i${index}`
imports.push(`import ${importName} from "../${file.replace('.ts', '')}"`)
routes[routePath] = importName
const content =
'// This file is generated by `pnpm run meta`\n' +
export default {
.map(([route, imp]) => ` "${route}": ${imp},`)
const originalContent = await fs.readFile(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/'),
if (originalContent === content) return
await fs.writeFile(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/'),
)'Meta map generated successfully!')
async function watch() {
const watchPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', './client/pages/(main)')'Watching metadata files...')
await generateMetaMap()
const watcher =, {
ignoreInitial: false,
watcher.on('add', () => {'Metadata file added/changed, regenerating map...')
watcher.on('unlink', () => {'Metadata file removed, regenerating map...')
watcher.on('change', () => {'Metadata file changed, regenerating map...')
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
if (process.argv.includes('--watch')) {
} else {
Now create a metadata.ts
file under the route and export a function that defines the metadata.
import { defineMetadata } from '~/meta-handler'
export default defineMetadata(
async ({ params, apiClient, origin, throwError }) => {
const listId =
const list = await apiClient.lists.$get({ query: { listId } })
const { title, description } =
return [
type: 'openGraph',
title: title || '',
description: description || '',
image: `${origin}/og/list/${listId}`,
type: 'title',
title: title || '',
So far, in the dev environment, we have achieved proxying the Vite Dev Server and dynamically inserting meta tags. Next, we will handle the differences in the production environment.
Proxying HTML in Production Environment#
In the production environment, we need to proxy the compiled HTML file.
app.get('*', async (req, reply) => {
const template = readFileSync(
path.resolve(root, '../dist/index.html'), // This is the compiled HTML file
const { document } = parseHTML(template)
await injectMetaToTemplate(document, req, reply)
Directly replacing the filesystem in platforms like Vercel may not work well, as the compiled artifacts will not be available in the API call environment, leading to a "file not found" error when deployed to Vercel.
We can solve this problem by directly packaging the compiled HTML string.
import { mkdirSync } from 'node:fs'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import path from 'node:path'
mkdirSync(path.join(__dirname, '../.generated'), { recursive: true })
async function generateIndexHtmlData() {
const indexHtml = await fs.readFile(
path.join(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
await fs.writeFile(
path.join(__dirname, '../.generated/index.template.ts'),
`export default ${JSON.stringify(indexHtml)}`,
async function main() {
await generateIndexHtmlData()
In the above script, after the SPA project is compiled, we read the compiled HTML file and write it to a .generated
directory, then export the HTML string.
Modify the proxy routing logic for the production environment.
app.get('*', async (req, reply) => {
const template = require('../../.generated/index.template').default
const { document } = parseHTML(template)
await injectMetaToTemplate(document, req, reply)
Then we modify the build process:
cross-env NODE_ENV=production vite build && tsx scripts/prepare-vercel-build.ts && tsup
Regarding the use of
for server-side compilation, it is introduced in Deploying an OpenGraph Image Service on Vercel.
Now that we have two different environment handling logics, we can make a judgment:
export const globalRoute = isDev ? devHandler : prodHandler
Deploying to Vercel#
Now we can deploy to Vercel. We need to mount two applications on the same domain. Our main application is the original app, and we need to create a new application on Vercel, which is used to proxy HTML and is a Node.js service.
Now we refer to the original app as app1 and the new application as app2.
The URL routing rules we need to implement are:
/share/* -> app2
/* -> app1
In app2, create or modify vercel.json
"rewrites": [
"source": "/((?!external-dist|dist-external).*)", // Rewrite all requests to Vercel's API route. About what API is, you can find in 
"destination": "/api"
In app1, create or modify vercel.json
"rewrites": [
"source": "/share/:path*",
"destination": "https://<domain>/share/:path*" // Modify address
"source": "/og/:path*",
"destination": "https://<domain>/og/:path*"
"source": "/((?!assets|vendor/).*)",
"destination": "/index.html"
"headers": []
After these modifications, accessing the /share
path can correctly rewrite to app2, but all resource files for app2 return 404. Since the compiled products of app1 are also under the assets
path, to avoid conflicts, we place app2 under a different path, such as dist-external
Modify app2's vite.config.ts
import { resolve } from 'node:path'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default () => {
return defineConfig({
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
assetFileNames: 'dist-external/[name].[hash].[ext]',
chunkFileNames: 'dist-external/[name].[hash].js',
entryFileNames: 'dist-external/[name].[hash].js',
plugins: [react()],
In app1, modify vercel.json
"rewrites": [
"source": "/dist-external/:path*",
"destination": "https://<domain>/dist-external/:path*"
"source": "/((?!assets|vendor|locales|dist-external/).*)",
"destination": "/index.html"
Due to the length of the content, please refer to future breakdowns for other details.
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