


Successful People's Gathering

Last year at this time, I was still enduring the despair of being locked down. As someone who is used to staying at home, I couldn't bear the pain of being restricted from going out.

This year might be a good start.

My first career is about to end. During the job search, I also met many experts. By chance (at the Hangzhou meetup organized by @thecalicastle, I managed to convince Zhizi to go to Hangzhou with me), I had the opportunity to go to Hangzhou with @sanxiaozhizi.

It has been two years since I last visited Hangzhou. This familiar yet unfamiliar city is no longer bumpy and has become more standardized and civilized.

This time, the plan was to stay overnight in Hangzhou, depart on Friday morning, and return to Shanghai on Saturday night. Overall, I felt quite tired, perhaps because I am more of a homebody.

First, I met up with @sanxiaozhizi, and then we went to Zhizi's friend's house. We chatted on WeChat the whole time on the subway, which made me very socially anxious.

At noon, we had a simple meal of Northeastern-style stew in an iron pot. Then, Zhizi organized a gathering with her fans in Hangzhou, and we booked a private room for the evening.

In the afternoon, led by a popular internet celebrity, we visited the recently popular Chinese office called "Vercel" by AFFiNE. I met Sprite, a great person. We fixed bugs for BlockSuite at the AFFiNE Office! I also listened to the great @HaoXinShang1 talk about AFFiNE's past and future.


Related tweets:

After work, I had dinner with @Lakr233, @strrlthedev, some AFFiNE experts, and some of Zhizi's fans. Then we took a traditional photo for Twitter.


Then we went to a private room in a karaoke bar. I saw the cute little braid of @Sepush2. More than ten of Zhizi's fans and some AFFiNE experts came. We took a group photo. After that, the experts suddenly disappeared and had a secret meeting in a conference room on the second floor, leaving me behind, feeling sad.

I stayed at @Lakr233's big house that night, sleeping over at a friend's house for the first time. Although I had insomnia all night, I was still amazed by the smart home!

The next day, after breakfast, we went to Kerry Center to meet with the experts. We had hot pot for lunch and had a self-introduction session. I felt like an outsider in the group, wishing I could dig a hole and hide. The experts were all so talented, and I couldn't understand or contribute to the conversation.

After the meal, I went for a walk with my former colleague @wangjie000, chatting about recent events and life. Then I met a girl I had previously met online. Because I was scared, I brought @wangjie000 along, and we had dinner together. It was awkward the whole time.

In the evening, I returned to Shanghai.

It was a gathering of successful people, but I didn't fit in.

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