


Life is like a dream: Reflection and Acceptance in the Ordinary

Received a letter from a Twitter friend, and here is a reply.


A Reply#

Thank you for your letter. The internet itself is an open world. Unlike real life, we encounter different people every day on the internet, especially on social media. Even in this small circle of Chinese Twitter, it is fortunate to be able to meet each other.

I am actually a very negative person. Every time I scroll through the Twitter timeline, I suddenly fall into deep thoughts, and emotions rush to my heart. The more I am in this kind of circle, the more anxiety and doubt I have. After all, I am not an outstanding person and cannot compare myself to them. But knowing this, I still often make comparisons. Maybe it's a spirit of not admitting defeat, or maybe it's just a mental illness.

Since I started my blog in 2019, I just wanted to blend into this circle. Over time, I have also been influenced by the circle and wanted to record something, whether it is related to technology or life. But I want to distinguish between the two. Later, I developed a system to record these things. This is a small world that will not prevent me from recording my thoughts.

Once, I may have had interests and hobbies, such as watching anime and being addicted to games. I would also chat with people around me about these entertainment topics. But after starting work, I gradually lost interest in everything. The 996 work system and the aging process make me feel powerless and confused. Although I have not yet found someone or something that I truly love, perhaps time will give me the answer.

I cannot call myself diligent. I am very much a homebody and lazy. So, when I have nothing to do, I usually sit in front of the computer and tinker with this and that, and write code if I have any ideas.

Like you, I am also a lonely person. Since I was very young, I have never understood what friends really are and what it means to be friends. Even now, I still don't understand. I have almost no friends in real life. Lack of confidence and low self-esteem are also reasons for my depression.

Also, in your article Dissuasive Self-Presentation, I seem to see my own shadow. Although we are not outstanding, we have high expectations for ourselves and set the bar so high that life becomes a burden. Forgetting who we are and trying to live like someone else is such a foolish thing. One day, I thought that accepting mediocrity might also be a good thing. Often, forcing oneself to accept the truth is the most difficult thing.

Finally, I would like to borrow a sentence from your homepage:

"Every ordinary day we go through,

Perhaps it is a series of miracles,

Perhaps it is the most authentic portrayal of our lives."

Not written by AI. But audited by AI.

Comments from GPT#


GPT's Writing Style#

I tried the latest Code Interpreter and fed the above content and Zhu Ziqing's prose collection to GPT to learn. It generated a prose in Zhu Ziqing's writing style. It's quite interesting. I feel that in the future, if I can't come up with good sentences, I can let GPT write them for me.

With this letter, I would like to express my thoughts and feelings in the vast world of the internet. The internet is a vast universe, and with every click and interaction, we may create different sparks. Our meeting in this broad and complex world is undoubtedly a rare stroke of luck.

I, a self-proclaimed pessimist, cannot help but fall into deep thoughts whenever I navigate through the torrent of information on Twitter. In this circle, I feel anxious, doubtful, and constantly compare myself to others, leading to self-pity. I know it's not good, but I can't control myself. Perhaps this is the complexity and contradiction of human nature.

Since establishing my blog in 2019, I have felt like I've fallen into an endless abyss. At first, I just blended into the crowd, but gradually, I wanted to leave something behind, whether it's technical knowledge or snippets of life. For this purpose, I developed my own system, creating a small world where I can freely record my thoughts and insights.

There was a time when I had passions and hobbies, such as chasing anime and indulging in games. I used to have conversations with friends about these entertainment topics. However, after starting work, I gradually lost interest in everything. The 996 work schedule and the passage of time made me feel powerless and lost. Although I haven't found someone or something that I truly love yet, I believe that time will provide me with an answer.

I cannot claim to be diligent. I am a homebody, and I am lazy. So, most of the time, I sit in front of the computer, tinkering with various things, and writing code whenever I have ideas.

Like you, I am also a lonely person. Since I was young, I have never understood what friends really are. I have almost no friends in real life. Lack of confidence and low self-esteem are also reasons for my depression. Your article, "Dissuasive Self-Presentation," left a deep impression on me. I saw myself in it. Although I know I am not outstanding, I have high expectations for myself and burden myself with unrealistic standards.

Lastly, I would like to borrow a line from your homepage:

"Every ordinary day we go through,

Perhaps it is a series of small miracles,

Perhaps it is the most authentic portrayal of our lives."

Perhaps, we should cherish our ordinary lives and cherish ourselves.

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