


Four days in the distance

Transaction record from August 3rd to August 6th.

Travel companion: WangJie

Special forces account opening and card application.


Left home in the morning to go to Hangzhou, then took a flight to Shenzhen in the afternoon. Took a bus at the airport and paid ¥180 to go to Diamond Hill in Hong Kong.

The journey had two parts. First, we were taken to Shenzhen Bay to enter Hong Kong.

!Declaration of health code required for entry and exit

Then we lined up for the bus. The weather was hot and the water in Hong Kong was expensive. I came up with a good idea to get rich.


On the bus, I easily completed the ZA process. The whole process was very fast and the review was passed quickly.


After arriving at Diamond Hill, there were shops where we could buy SIM cards, but we didn't buy them and used roaming data on the first day.

Took the subway to To Kwa Wan and went to the hotel to rest (work).


The buildings in Hong Kong are really retro, like those from the 1980s. Most of the buildings are like this, and the impact is even greater than when I first went to downtown Shanghai. Shanghai has a clear distinction between two different eras, while Hong Kong doesn't have a clear boundary.

!The world outside the hotel

The hotel we stayed in cost 700 per night, but it was very small. The bed was also small, and I couldn't stretch my legs when sleeping on it. Two single beds were squeezed together with only a small aisle in the middle, surviving in the gap.


Then we started working.

Had dinner, ordered takeout. McDonald's, the two of us spent over 100. The prices in Hong Kong are really cheap. The delivery guy was called San Ge, and his business was really extensive. San Ge is everywhere when you go abroad.

The internet in Hong Kong is really good. The speed is not fast, but it is stable. It's really nice not having to use a ladder. It feels like I'm working online in Shanghai.

The first day (half a day) ended, and the rest of the time was spent working and writing code.



Slept until almost 9 in the morning, got up and went to have breakfast. We took the subway to Mong Kok, the Innovation Tower. We went to HSBC first and got a number. Since it was a workday, there weren't many people in front of us.

Had breakfast, spent over fifty. This shop has a minimum spending requirement of 40HKD, otherwise you can't buy anything. That's the power of capital. Sigh.


This is the scene outside the bank. It was already half past ten, and there were almost no shops open until 11 o'clock. They gradually opened one by one.

!Almost no shops open at half past ten

That's capitalism.

You can read my article about opening a bank account:


Had a meetup with strrlthedev nearby and had another meal at McDonald's.

In Hong Kong, poor people can only afford to eat McDonald's for every meal. The prices are the same as in mainland China, 40HKD is enough for a meal.


There was no plan in the afternoon. My friend went to China Construction Bank to open an account, but I didn't think it was necessary. After that, we worked in various places.

Went to the Apple Store.


Then we had a bowl of noodles for 101. It's not as good as instant noodles.


Returned to the hotel in the evening and continued working. My friend had a meeting until midnight. Sigh, the internet.


Slept until 10 o'clock, checked out in the morning, and left. If there's nothing else, I won't come here again next time. But this time, the main purpose was to open a bank account. Took the high-speed train back to Shenzhen, and there were a lot of people at the customs.


The feeling of being in Shenzhen is that it's a modern metropolis. There's no strong contrast without comparison.

Went to MixC World for lunch and met some very mysterious internet friends.

Had a casual lunch and ordered a plate of pasta. It was less than 50, really cheap. In Hong Kong, even instant noodles cost 100CNY.



Met my current colleague will.

Met the very mysterious former colleague, Orca, who no one has seen in person before. This is a strong person.

We had a lot of conversations together.

Then I met rikumi and Alendia and had a meal together.


Changed the plan and left tonight. My friend went to Nanjing and I went to Hangzhou.

Bought a return ticket and landed in Hangzhou in the middle of the night.

After arriving in Hangzhou, it was already late at night and I couldn't find a taxi or go to the booked hotel. I was even scolded by a taxi driver on the phone for no reason, with an extremely bad attitude.

I felt very helpless. In the end, I had to take an illegal taxi, but I didn't know which hotel it was. There were other people with me, all looking for accommodation. I was really afraid of accidents or being sold. I shared my real-time location with my friends, hoping that everything would be fine.

Finally, I was taken to a relatively remote hotel. It was so late that I could only stay for one night. Although it was more rundown than most hotels in Hong Kong, it was still better than nothing. It was just a bit dirty.

In an instant, I lost all my good impression of Hangzhou.

Sigh, I can go home tomorrow.


I know I probably couldn't sleep last night. It's been like this for the past few days away from home.

Took a shower at 9 in the morning and set off for the city center to meet some friends in Hangzhou.

From the eastern outskirts of Hangzhou all the way west, without having breakfast, went directly to Joy City where we had arranged to meet.

Took the subway for over an hour, and luckily there was a Yiming when I got off the station. Had breakfast first, felt like I was about to faint.

It wasn't time yet, so I found a place to work for a while.

Held on to Lakr's thigh and met the famous Zhihu user Luv Letter.


Had hot pot together for lunch. Forgot to take a picture.

In the afternoon, I didn't know what to do. There were a lot of people and there wasn't even a place to enjoy the air conditioning. Everyone had things to do, so we all went back. I didn't buy a ticket in advance, so I could only buy a later one. I didn't expect it to be difficult to buy tickets on weekends.

Finally, at nine o'clock in the evening, I finally boarded the high-speed train back home. It was another nine o'clock. The flight yesterday was also at nine o'clock.

The journey is over. It was an unplanned trip, everything happened suddenly, just going with the flow. Next time, I should prepare well.

I'm really tired, and I've been staying at home for too long. My physical fitness is not good.

After this, I don't want to go far from home for a long time. It's better to stay at home.

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