


Summary of the first week of school

Although it's only the first week, it feels like it just started, but there's always so much to do.

On Sunday, I saw through someone, but lost a companion. Building friendships takes time, but destroying them is simple.

On Monday, the weather has been gloomy these past few days, and so has my mood.

On Tuesday, the results for the English proficiency test came out, and for some reason, I barely passed. I'm relieved. Now I have time to learn other things. I've been learning PHP these past few days. The main reason is that my blog still needs a theme, and it requires some PHP knowledge. This day was the busiest, with a full schedule from morning till night. Plus, there's a physical education class where the teacher said the ping pong exam is difficult during the first class. I have no foundation, so I'll probably fail the exam. (

On Wednesday, it took me a whole night to migrate from Hexo to Halo. Well... but I succeeded. Demo: Yin Yin's Nest Next, I'll optimize and add features to the theme...

On Thursday, it took 2 hours to modify the Story theme. Story+

Added content:

  • Copyright information
  • Random anime background image (API provided by Paul)
  • Website running time
  • Website shortcut_ico (please modify in config.php)
  • CSS modifications
  • Quick modification of website title (please modify in config.php)
  • Added hitokoto (API from
  • Added server running time (static display implemented in PHP), can choose dynamic display implemented in JS
  • etc.

What did I do on Friday?...

On Saturday, I continued to modify the Story theme. Now it looks like this.


Modifications were made based on the original theme, and this project will continue to be updated.

Added content:

  • Copyright information
  • Website running time
  • Website shortcut_ico
  • Quick modification of website title
  • Hitokoto
  • Added server running time (static display implemented in PHP), can choose dynamic display implemented in JS
  • Added theme settings page, can enable and disable features according to personal needs.
  • more


  • Modified the transparency of the original theme's background image
  • Modified the font size of quotes and heading levels in the original theme
  • Deleted config.php

Repo address:

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.