


Those past fears were just that.

It's been almost a year since I moved to Shanghai.

This time last year, I was still worried about my internship and finding a place to rent. So many firsts, and I had no idea what to expect. I tend to overthink things more than most people, blowing them out of proportion and creating unnecessary worries. Because of this, I often carry a fearful heart, which only exhausts me further. And now, it's almost been a year. In between, I've experienced so much, from transitioning from an intern to a full-time employee in the workplace, to enduring a three-month period of scarcity in my personal life. Looking back, my journey has transformed from being a student to becoming a corporate worker. The past is filled with unknowns and the fears I had at the time, even shedding tears silently and feeling stuck. But eventually, everything passes. I've come to realize that even the weak version of myself can handle anything and see the path to the future.

Looking back, those past fears were just that, and time will provide the answers.

Last week's recap:

  • Achieved the goal of working continuously for 7 days after the Lunar New Year
  • Took my parents out for a meal and explored the surrounding areas of Shanghai
  • Met up with a Twitter friend {TW@wen36675509} and had a casual meal (my first time going on a dinner date with a girl, felt a bit nervous)
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